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Brown’s Gas (HHO) Pistonless Pump Replication Notes

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Here is the link to the (FREE as of Feb 2022) Brown’s Gas Pump Resource Product, where I will post relevant documents and information gleaned from everywhere I can.
FAQ: George I really would like to know whether Al Throckmorton or any other person in the OU field, has been able to confirm or replicate the Lord’s Pump output results of 30 gallons per minute at 260 PSI (that is definitely overunity compared to the input).
I’ve since done the math and it comes out to 1800 useable watts output if you use the pressurized water to drive a pelton wheel.  Obviously if you took 250 watts from 1800 watts you could close loop the system and have over 1500 continuous watts FREE output from an apparatus small enough to put in your basement.
Al Throckmorton gave me those figures personally, face to face.  The Lord’s Pump is Al’s project so he (and his team) is ‘hands on’ and should know what they are talking about.
Al is happy to have someone duplicate the project.  I trust Al because I’ve known him as a high integrity guy for decades.  That’s the only reason I’m taking some time from my other projects to confirm (or disprove) his statement.
Personally I think the pump can do 30 gallons per minute OR 250 psi, not 30 gallons per minute AT 250 psi.  Either way, it’ll be a fun project.

Here’s a quick video I put on YouTube to show the Phases of Brown’s Gas Combustion.

The video demonstrates:

1. How I use water displacement to assure that the bottles contain nothing but pure Brown’s Gas at near SATP.

2. That Brown’s Gas (HHO) contains combustible heavier than air constituent(s) by showing, after as long as 10 minutes, an upright open bottle still contains a combustible gas.

Given: hydrogen is MUCH lighter than air and escapes any open bottle in seconds.
Ask any scientist how long hydrogen would remain in an open bottle.  The hydrogen escapes at least as quickly as the bottle initially fills with water.

The reason I use a bottle with a narrow neck for this demonstration, is to slow down the diffusion of air into the bottle (air that mixes with and gradually carries away (dilutes) the heavier than air gasses) not to slow down the escape of the hydrogen.

3. You can now see the ‘ring of fire‘ I’ve described in the past. This demonstrates not only a ‘rolling donut’ of flame but that ‘open air’ combustion of these ‘heavier than air’ constituents is fairly slow; not the detonation you get from a SATP stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (one of the most powerful explosions short of nuclear).

4. See that ‘closed bottle’ combustion of the ‘heavier than air’ components results in an instantaneous ‘ping’ (instead of a BANG) and the gases condense to water.

Hmmmm… It’d be interesting to record and analyze that ping…

My theory is that Brown’s Gas contains a special form of water that I call ‘Electrically Expanded Water’ (ExW).  This form of water would normally be lighter than air BUT it acts like a magnetic ‘glue’ to allow additional hydrogen and oxygen atoms to cluster into what Ruggero Santilli calls ‘magnecules‘, which are heavier than air.

The ER50 electrolyzer allows you to demonstrate this combustible constituent of BG (HHO).

5. That a pop bottle can contain the pressures and temperatures resulting from a pure BG explosion, when the BG is at stoichiometric SATP.

6. That there are three phases of BG (HHO) combustion;
1. explosion/combustion,
2. steam/pressure,
3. condensation/vacuum

Knowing the characteristics of these three phases of combustion helps to design fun and practical applications for Brown’s Gas.  Like ‘fireworks‘ or bottle rocket fuel or canon fuel or fuel for internal combustion

Pistonless water pumps have been around for a long time.

Video explanation: Difference between hydrogen and carbon fuel combustion

You really need to understand BG combustion characteristics to design a pump that efficiently uses BG as a fuel.

Yull Brown demonstrated using BG to pump waterbut didn’t use the BG explosion and steam pressure to pump the water.  He sucked water into the pump using the BG vacuum and pumped water out using high gas pressure from the electrolyzer generated pressure (not the BG explosion pressure).
See BG DVD 1 for two examples of this inefficient way to pump water.  It’s inefficient because it took 19 times more energy (wattage) to make the high pressure BG than he gets back by only using the implosion and electrolyzer generated gas pressure to pump the water.

In this collaboration we’ll use the pressures generated by BG combustion and steam to pump the water (like this video)…
Note this water bottle rocket video shows how water can be ‘pumped’ at high pressure/velocity using a low pressure (ambient pressure) BG explosion.

Using the explosion technique, we can keep the electrolyzer generated pressure low (about 1 psi) and still pump water to pressures greater than 25 psi… Which allows us to fuel the pistonless water pump with a low pressure ER50 electrolyzer.  Or better yet, the AquaCure.

We have some ideas to increase efficiency by designing the pump chamber to increase the effectiveness of the explosion/steam phase of combustion.

We can’t call this project the Lord’s Pump, because Al doesn’t want his pump name to be associated with a project that is testing for OU, because that would compromise his funding sources.

We’ve already made some progress with designing the initial experimental unit and I’d like to see this project replicated in several places.

My current thinking is that the ‘extra’ energy is due to water fog explosions.  Walter Jenkins talks about such explosions in this interview.  To ‘ignite’ the water fog I’d use a version of Peter Lindemann’s Plasma Ignition, see a video here.  And a series here, click, click, click.  Plasma Ignition update.  With this technology, the Brown’s Gas just acts as a catalyst, not the power source, to help the plasma ignition reliably ignite the water fog.

I’ve got several other projects on the go, so please understand it’ll take me some time to properly support for this BG Pump Project on my website.

Anyone is welcome to join the BG Pump forum, to lurk or contribute thoughts and/or collaborate on independent duplication projects.

Note that each participant will be required to fund their own version (if they are building one).  I expect the cost of the experiment to be in the $1000 to $2000 range, depending on what skills and resources you have.  I’ll help as I can but it’ll mostly just be forum logistics and consultation advise.

A spinoff of this research could be an internal combustion engine running on BG.  Not a normally aspirated engine running on BG like I show in BG Video 3, but a ‘closed combustion‘ engine similar to the PAPP design.  PAPP information sales video.

It could be that very little BG would be needed, if we combine Plasma Spark technology with Cold Fog Technology.  This combination might allow us the OU we are looking for.

Here’s a link to a compilation on Plasma Plugs.

From ExtraOrdinary Science Issue 1 – January/February/March 2015, page 18.
Al Throckmorton tells Steve “12 volts pulse DC power is supplied to produce gas (BG).  Tirlithium citrate (an original ingredient of 7-up) disassociates water immediately.”


Video to make a Hand powered Pump made of PVC Pipe.

Video to make your own inexpensive Check Valves.  Of course, in my version I’ll need to add a ‘flow switch’.


From: Douglas McCain <[email protected]>

Subject: Lord’s Pump Project Update

Date: November 9, 2015 8:31:44 PM PST

It has been quite a while since we have given you an update, but we have made a lot of progress on our way to having our first pump ready for installation in Uganda.

We have recently operated the pump for periods of 5 hours, 4 hours and 3 hours, to test it under continuous operating conditions.   During those tests the operation cycle times improved from 40 seconds, to 24 seconds to 3 seconds respectively.

We were able to generate pressures of over 200 psi consistently.   Some of our delay has been due to the fact that during setup we accidentally reached a pressure of 700 psi, requiring us to rebuild the unit twice.

During the last run the unit started to misfire and the run was discontinued prematurely.  This was because of spark plug failure.  Fortunately, in the past few months, advances in plug design have been made to handle high power plasma ignition systems like ours.

We also needed to modify the control circuit to make sure the gas generation system is shut down and an alarm activated, in the event the system fails and requires maintenance.  These required changes to the control system are being made, and the continuous endurance operating trials can begin again.

We are getting closer to a reliable system

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