Believe it or not, your driving attitudes and habits could be costing you a lot more money than you realize. Whether you own, lease, or periodically rent a vehicle, sharpening your driving skills to include sound fuel-saving habits is a wise investment. The payback is directly to your own pocket. Consider that each of these simple and conventional ways to save gas, will earn you 3%-15% in direct cash savings or by taking you farther on a tank of gas. Are your driving habits costing you Big bucks? You do the math! Working in pencil, give yourself an honest checkmark for each of the tips that you already use. At the end of Driving Habits, count up all your empty boxes, and multiply that number by just 3%. If you only need to brush up on a dozen of these fuel-saving habits, that’s $75 to $150 each year!!! And, at this point we’re only talkin’ about giving yourself a check-up from the neck up! A little effort, a little grit and even just a few of the mechanical modifications from Super Gas Saver Secrets and You could be getting double the mileage that you started with.
Lead Foot/Feather Foot Learn to lift your foot a bit as you drive. Mostly, you won’t lose any speed and you will get better mileage.
Parking Park your vehicle so that you start by moving forward. This is safer, and reverse maneuvers waste gas.
Prevent Wear Resting a foot on the clutch pedal while the engine is running, whether the vehicle is in motion or not, causes excessive wear on the clutch parts and reduces mileage
Safety While safe driving habits are not generally considered a fuel saving method, what they do save is far more important! Your life… & mine! Accelerating slightly, as you turn out of corners will usually give you a little additional control. ‘Fuzzy’ dash covers help prevent glare as you drive.
Water injection, was commonly used to vastly increase the performance of farm tractors.
Unsafe Methods Of Saving Fuel Fuel injected systems can also use momentum and/or vacuum switches to safely shut off the injectors when fuel is not needed. Shutting off the engine while coasting is dangerous because the float bowl will empty into your engine. It takes a few seconds, after the fuel is turned back on, for the float bowl to refill and for the fuel to reach your engine. You may need power sooner than that to avoid an accident.