Is Lye Safe?

First, there is a lot of miss-information about Lye on the internet.  It seems like the Vested Interest doesn’t want people to use it anymore.
I’ve even seen supposed pictures of Lye burns (on Wikipedia) that are actually caused by Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) not Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH).

I know this because I’ve worked with concentrated lye solutions for almost 60 years.  I’ve literally been SOAKED with lye solution when a chamber we were working on spilled it all over me.  It was at least 15 minutes before I could take off my clothes and shower.  I didn’t even get a rash.

Second, lye is one of the most common chemicals in existence.  It’s used in hundreds of products and processes.  It forms naturally in the environment whenever there is a forest fire (Lye can be acquired by leaching water through wood ashes).

In the past (for hundreds of thousands of years, until modern chemicals replaced it) Lye was used to make soap and it was acquired (made) by simply pouring water through wood ashes and evaporating the water.

In other words, lye is the active ingredient in soap, as God originally intended us to use and we did use since the beginning of time.

You mix up the lye just like mixing Kool-Aid and the concentration I use (about 1% by weight) is no stronger than soap (which you could use it for if you wanted).  Our ancestors mixed lye with fats or oils to make soap bars.

Lye can be acquired by draining water through wood ashes, then evaporating the water.  So lye is a 100% natural substance that nature ‘makes’ with forest fires, then uses to prevent acidity in lake water.  Nature NEEDS it for health of everything.

Today lye is commonly found in homes as drain cleaner, oven cleaner, etc…
Of course at MUCH higher concentrations than the AquaCure uses and people are not afraid of those household products…

I started using Brown’s Gas for heath purposes in 2005 and I’ve been inhaling it for a minimum of 4 hours (usually 8 hours and sometimes up to 12 hours) every day since March of 2016 WITHOUT using a Humidifier, I just bubble through my Drinking Water jar, then drink the water.

I DESIGNED the AquaCure to have ONLY pure gas to be inhaled.  The Humidifier is redundant backup safety that I don’t even use in my own home machine.

There is ZERO chance of inhaling lye if you even follow just the spirit of the instructions of my Operation Manual and Updates.

I have many thousands of these machines being used worldwide.  Many people inhale all night, every night.  No one has ever (legitimately) reported inhaling lye.

I have seen where people report the FEAR of inhaling lye and for them I say… TEST THE WATER.  Using an inexpensive Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter and start with 0 TDS (distilled) water, and see for yourself that the TDS does not significantly rise in the Drinking Water Bubbler.

Note that the ExW portion of Brown’s Gas will add electrons to the water that will cause SOME rise in the TDS reading that is NOT lye.

LONG before water has ‘too much’ lye, you will SMELL the ‘skunky’ or TASTE the ‘funky’.  If the water smells/tastes good, it is good.

The water in the Humidifier effectively traps any residual lye (you’ll see the TDS in the Humidifier gradually rise).  Note that the TDS reading will ALSO rise because of the electrons the Brown’s Gas adds to water.

Further a pinch of lye (NaOH) in water (for example 20 ppm) is actually healthy and is often used as a ‘buffer’ to adjust (raise) the pH of foods and condiments.

If people are not inhaling the Brown’s Gas from the AquaCure, they are only getting 10% of the health gains they could be achieving with this technology.

There is NO safer Brown’s Gas machine in the world.  I’ve been selling Brown’s Gas machines since 1986 and in all that time (well over 10,000 sales) not one person has ever been hurt in any way.

And I’m small potatoes… In Asia Brown’s Gas is BIG and commonly used for a variety of applications.  Japan even uses it in their health spas.

Studies are showing Brown’s Gas to be the next generation of Water for Health.  Therapeutic results exceeding pure hydrogen.

Lye Notes:

Note that water having ‘memory’ of lye is GOOD 🙂
Sodium (Na) IS one of the molecules that the body NEEDS to be healthy.

Sodium Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

It is easily ingestible as Sodium Chloride (NaCl or table salt) but is more healthily ingested as NaOH (sodium hydroxide) because as the body removes the Na from table salt, it needs to get rid of the toxic substance Cl (chlorine).  When the body removes the Na+ from NaOH, it is left with the hydroxide OH-,
which is generally neutral in the body (not a poison like chlorine).

Hydroxide (OH–): Antioxidant? Radical? Or Neither

NaOH (lye) is often used in food and on food (just like sodium chloride).  For example as a pretzel glaze:

How Do Pretzels Get Their Shiny Brown Surface?

You can literally search for ‘FOOD GRADE’ lye,  for culinary applications.

NaOH is also used to adjust the pH of municipal drinking water (many people are ALREADY drinking lye):

Drinking Water Treatment – pH Adjustment

So ANY level of NaOH in the water below the threshold of ‘caustic’ is benign and even healthful to drink.
Of course ANYTHING is toxic if you get too much of it.  Even hydrogen can suffocate you is that’s ALL you inhale (no oxygen).

Note:  People really need to get over their FEAR of lye.  There is SO MUCH fear mongering going on out there, trying to make people afraid of EVERYTHING.  Back on the Ranch, we used lye almost daily, for a lot of applications.

Lye (Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH) is one of the most USEFUL and beneficial substances we have.

It’s created by nature everytime there is a forest fire and rainwater washes it into waterways to prevent the water from becoming too acid.  So nature’s water naturally has lye in it.

People used to ‘make’ their own lye by leaching water through wood ashes.

Lye is generally NOT used to dissolve bodies like in the movies.  Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is MUCH better at dissolving bodies. Using NaOH can work but it takes a lot more and a lot longer.
On the ranch we use potassium hydroxide to dissolve animal’s horn buds because sodium hydroxide is far too weak a caustic to burn out the buds.

So I’ve been using lye all my life and most people have lye in their homes and don’t even know it.  The most common uses are drain cleaner and oven cleaner (which works great on exhaust fan filters and greasy pots too).

Further Uses of NaOH

Beauty Products

Is Sodium Hydroxide Safe in Beauty Products?

Chemical matrixectomy
Phenol is commonly used in surgeries for ingrown toenails. It’s used on more severe ingrown toenails that don’t respond to other treatments. The phenol, in the form of trichloroacetic acid, is used to stop the nail from growing back.

A small 2001 studyTrusted Source of 172 people found that 98.8 percent of those who received a chemical matrixectomy with phenol cauterization had successful results.

However, phenol matrixectomy may be falling out of favor. A 2014 paper Trusted Source in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that sodium hydroxide had fewer complications than phenol as an ingrown toenail treatment.

Food Additives
Cosmetics Buffer