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Q ~ What is Brown’s Gas (BG)?

A. Eagle-Research defines Brown’s Gas (aka BG, HHO or HydrOxy) as:

“A mixture of combustible gasses coming out of an electrolyzer that is specifically designed to electrolyze (split) water and to NOT separate the resulting gasses from each other.”

Electrolysis splits water into hydrogen and oxygen by inserting two electrodes into a solution containing a catalyst and water; then running direct current through the solution.
Hydrogen evolves from the negative electrode (cathode) and oxygen evolves from the positive electrode (anode).  There are many catalyst choices.

The difference between traditional and Brown’s Gas (BG) electrolyzers is a ‘membrane’ in the solution between the cathode and anode.
The membrane traditionally separates the hydrogen and oxygen into two separate streams.

BG electrolyzers do not have a membrane, so all gasses generated come out the same hose.  

Because there is no membrane to interrupt the process, the BG electrolysis can make a third gas, a negatively charged plasma form of water (H2O with extra electrons we call Electrically Expanded Water (ExW)), evolving directly out of the solution (not associated with either electrode); making the BG uniquely different from a traditional H2:O2 mixture.

Brown’s Gas electrolyzers MUST use a catalyst in the water between the electrodes.  This is what builds the ‘electron bridge’ that attaches electrons to water, allowing some of the water to absorb enough electrons so that it becomes a negatively charged plasma form of water that I call Electrically Expanded Water (ExW).
The electrons in the ExW increase the therapeutic efficacy of the hydrogen because they are bio-available… Literally giving the body ENERGY that is desperately needed when people are sick and have depleted energy.
PEM:SPE electrolyzers (any electrolyzer with a membrane between the anode and cathode) cannot make ExW (and thus not BG) because the membrane interferes with the ‘electron bridge’ that makes the ExW.

Brown’s Gas is a ratio of 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen and usually contains a significant water vapor component.

Brown’s Gas is made using water and electricity in specially designed electrolyzers, like our AquaCure.

Research indicates that Brown’s Gas has characteristics that cannot be achieved by simply mixing bottled hydrogen and oxygen in a stoichiometric ratio.

BG contains H, H2, O, O2, H2O (as water vapor) and a special 6th ‘structured’ gas that shows up in ‘dried gas’ as water vapor;
Chris Eckman calls this 6th constituent “linear water isomer with extra electrons, stable in a Rydberg Cluster”,  professor Ruggero Santilli calls them ‘Magnecules’ and George Wiseman calls it ‘Electrically Expanded Water’ (ExW) ExW is a negatively charged plasma form of water.

Matter exists in 4 ‘states’  Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma.

The 4th state of water (ExW) seems to act like a ‘glue’ that holds ‘structures’ of water together, which is why we think atomic oxygen and hydrogen can exist in a stable form.  These structures of H and O atoms (Yull Brown called a fluid crystal) can be large enough to be heavier than air.

ExW gives Brown’s Gas unique properties associated with extra electrons… Like voltage generation or increasing EZ (Exclusion Zone) Gel formation.

Here is a 2019 Presentation, George Wiseman gave at an international conference on water in Germany.

Here are George Wiseman’s early theories of what Brown’s Gas may be
Here is George Wiseman’s 2017 presentation.
Note that he introduced the initial version of AquaCure at ‘less than cost’ to get beta testers.  The feedback gave us the AquaCure we have today.

BG is also known under brand names like: Common-Ducted Gas, Rhode’s Gas, Spirig Gas, HydrOxy, Brown Gas, Green Gas, Klein Gas, Aquygen, HHO, SG Gas, Ohmasa Gas, Knallgas, HNG and (erroneously by WikiPedia) OxyHydrogen.

Here is a research synopsis from Moray King
Water Electrolyzers and Zero-Point Energy

Here is a peer-reviewed discussion about Brown’s Gas for health:

OxyHydrogen is the name of mixed molecular hydrogen (H2) and molecular oxygen (O2) in ratio of 2H2:O2, as you can achieve by mixing bottled gasses OR by electrolyzers with a membrane that separates the hydrogen and oxygen, such as PEM:SPE electrolyzers; which OFTEN erroneously call their mixture ‘Brown’s Gas…
Just mixing pure hydrogen and oxygen is NOT Brown’s Gas because it does not contain the electron rich ExW.

Short History of Browns Gas

Brown’s Gas was originally patented in the 1960’s
The late William Rhodes, of Pheonix Arizona, was awarded the patent 3,310,483 for ‘Multicell OxyHydrogen Generator’ on March 21, 1967 and he called it ‘single-ducted gas‘.

Not much happened with the gas until the late Yull Brown (then in Australia) in the 1970’s patented his own machine for making it.
and started to commercialize the gas for various applications (mostly to replace torch fuel gasses like acetylene).  He spent the next 30 years of his life traveling the world, selling his technology and developing variations of his machines.

Yull Brown was particularly effective in the Orient, where China (in particular) was undergoing a MASSIVE buildup and they adopted the Brown’s Gas as a standard welding gas instead of developing an acetylene infrastructure.

During most of that time the single-ducted gas was generally known as ‘Brown’s Gas‘.

After that, several people started making variations of Brown’s Gas machines and many of them ‘brand-named’ the gas (it’s all the same gas) to try to get unique market share.
The first variation was HydrOxy, from Alvin Crosby of New Zealand, who was a distributor of Yull Brown but was unhappy with Yull’s machine’s design and made a better one.

I’ve been working with Brown’s Gas since 1986 and I’ve used the name ‘Brown’s Gas’ to honor the inventor that commercialized it AND because it’s important (less confusion) to keep the same name for the same gas.
The world would NOT know of this gas if it wasn’t for Yull Brown’s effort over the last 30 years of his life.

My version of a Brown’s Gas electrolyzer was half the weight, half the size and produced more gas with half the electricity.  It also was simpler, more manufacturable and safer to use.

The name HHO popped into existence via the late Denny Klein just before the huge raise in oil prices in 2007-2008.  Denny was featured on FOX News at the time, so the gas got a lot of good publicity with the trade name HHO.

One of the excellent applications of BG is for combustion enhancement (typical 25% reduction in fuel consumption) so when Ozzie Freeman put out an eBook on how to DIY apply HHO to your vehicle and sold over a million copies, the name HHO was then ‘cemented’ in the public consciousness.

There’s lots more to the history, but that’s the gist.

All the ‘trade names’ are for the same gas,
… though Brown’s Gas can vary in QUALITY depending on the quantity (percentage) of Electrically Expanded Water (ExW) contained in the mixture.

More George Wiseman Brown’s Gas Presentations:

2001 KeeylyNet Conference

2007 Nexus Conference

2014 Tesla Tech Part 1

2014 TeslaTech Part 2

2017 TeslaTech

2018 TeslaTech

2019 TeslaTech

2019 Water Conference in Germany

Some of George Wiseman’s Brown’s Gas Interviews:

George Wiseman on BitChute

With Mark Kent of Osmio

With Mark Kent and Dr. Jon Xue Zhang

With Mark Kent and Clive De Carle

With Clive de Carle

With Nathalie Niddam

With Greg Carlwood of HigherSideChats    Folllowup Show

With Kevin Shelton of Epigeneering

FAQ: with Fringe Energy

With Justin Stellman of Extreme Health Radio

Justin Stellman of Extreme Health Radio #3 (EP #734)

With Odessa Orlewicz of Librti part 1

With Odessa Orlewicz of Librti part 2 (Q&A)       Librti June 29, 2022 (further Q&A) 

With Karen Elkins 

With Lynnie Wennerstrom of

With Andrew Scheim of Blue Z Water

With Benjamin Balderson of Odin’s Alchemy

With David Drimmel of Healevations

The Crrow777 Radio Show   (all Crow episodes with George Wiseman)

With Rob Edward of Dig Within

With Chance Garton of InnerVerse

P.A.T LIFE Podcast #2

Conversations with Dr. Tom Cowan

The Hellenic Wolf videos:  FullPatents, Intro, History, ExW,

Kaleb Davis Episode EP-07

AlfaVedic with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winters

Conversation with Prof. Gerald Pollack and Mark Kent

STERN (anti-Cancer) WEBINAR 2 WHY Brown’s Gas is better than pure hydrogen

Vonu PodCast  (Brown’s Gas as a potential energy source)

Advertisement: Interview with Jordan Jay of United Fight Alliance

the Inspire Health Podcast’s Living Freely series (George Wiseman)

Jeanna Chebat, Nobel Health And Beauty  Part 1  Part 2

FAQ #1

I came across this site making claims that were in some contrast to my understanding about Browns Gas–

What is Brown’s Gas?

Am I missing something?


Nope, even the title premise is incorrect.

Brown’s Gas CANNOT be made with a PEM or SPE electrolyzer, or ANY electrolyzer that has a membrane OF ANY KIND that is between the anode (oxygen) and cathode (hydrogen) electrodes.
BECAUSE… Brown’s Gas contains a constituent we call Electrically Expanded Water (negatively charged cold plasma (H2O-)) and ExW can ONLY be made via an electron bridge that forms in the solution of an electrolyzer that is specifically designed NOT to separate the oxygen and hydrogen being produced.
ANY membrane interrupts the formation of the electron bridge and NO ExW is formed.
Thus a PEM electrolyzer CANNOT make Brown’s Gas.
Such electrolyzers CAN make a stoichiometric (perfect ratio) of 1 part oxygen to 2 parts hydrogen that is commonly called OxyHydrogen.
OxyHydrogen can also be made by combining oxygen and hydrogen from bottles.
OxyHydrogen is NOT Brown’s Gas and anyone who says so is ignorant of the facts or deliberately miss-leading you.  In this case trying to ‘re-brand’ OxyHydrogen as Brown’s Gas for a promotional advantage.
And lye is not ’toxic’ as the article implies…
And the references they use to prove inhalation of hydrogen in the 3000 to 5000 mL/m range is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE are incorrect.  ANY mixture of air that contains more than 4.7% hydrogen is potentially explosive, as has been proven by 200+ years of science.  Don’t fall for this narrative, it can get you killed and it WILL (eventually) kill someone; such explosions are rare but DO HAPPEN.
I know of at least a dozen such explosions with people inhaling (actual) Brown’s Gas, but no one was hurt BECAUSE they were following our protocols and NOT inhaling a hydrogen mixture greater than 2% (in the range of 200 mL/m.  You do NOT want a hydrogen explosion in your lungs
Such an explosion would rupture the delicate ‘air sacs’ (alveoli) in your lungs and you’d die as you suffocate in your own blood.
I have nothing against hydrogen as a therapeutic gas.  I believe EVERY PERSON should be inhaling at LEAST hydrogen everyday (because we aren’t getting the hydrogen we need from our diet).
And (actual) Brown’s Gas is proving to be about 30% more therapeutically beneficial over pure hydrogen… Which is WHY such companies are desperately trying to convince people that their machines produce Brown’s Gas.
And they are using people’s tendency to think “If a little is Good, a LOT is better” …
When the truth is… MORE is just DANGEROUS.
When the blood is saturated with hydrogen (in a few minutes) ANY extra above what it takes to KEEP the blood saturated (about 100 mL/m) is just EXHALED… So MORE is not only dangerous (potentially explosive) but a WASTE of electricity and water.
What IS better is LONGER.  Keeping the blood saturated for extended times (like 8 hours) a day is proving to mitigate almost every ailment known to man.
FAQ #2

Steve D… to David B…] Please point me to one medical study that supports EXW and while your looking find one that supports EXW as beneficial for health.

Steve is another one of the people who doesn’t ‘believe’ in ExW…  Even with all the proofs I’ve sent him.
And he doesn’t believe in the electrolyzer design changes I’ve told him about, to optimize the production of ExW.
There are no studies that specifically and directly ‘support’ ExW because ExW doesn’t exist by itself.  It is a constituent of Brown’s Gas.  ExW is THE constituent that makes Brown’s Gas different than OxyHydrogen.
Note that Brown’s Gas isn’t ’new’  It was patented in the early 1960’s by William Rhodes (literally a rocket scientist).
Also, not only does Brown’s Gas have every health benefit of pure hydrogen, because Brown’s Gas is mostly pure hydrogen, but… Brown’s Gas is proving to be about 30% more therapeutically efficacious over pure hydrogen because of the ExW constituent.
The main difference between OxyHydrogen and Brown’s Gas is that Brown’s Gas contains a constituent we call Electrically Expanded Water (ExW).
ExW is actually WATER that has soaked up electrons until it’s become a negatively charged plasma form of water (H2O-).
ExW is formed as a side effect of an electron bridge (or chain) that forms between an electrolyzer’s electrodes.
Actual Brown’s Gas can ONLY be made in electrolyzers that have NO MEMBRANE; because ANY type of membrane interrupts (or doesn’t allow the formation) of the electron bridge that allows the ExW to form.
There are LOTS of studies that have used Brown’s Gas (which contains ExW), they just didn’t call it Brown’s Gas.  So you need to look in the study to find out what equipment they used and find those that used electrolyzers that make actual Brown’s Gas.  You can see some of those studies here:
This Webinar explains why Brown’s Gas is better than pure hydrogen; mainly because the ExW provides the energy (bio-available electrons) the body needs to heal and be healthy.
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