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Will my vehicle’s computer prevent mileage gains?

Virtually all engines today (diesel trucks are just catching up) use electronic sensors and an engine computer (CPU) to help make the engines more efficient.  
Modern CPU programming measures a lot of parameters and ‘assume’ that a certain volume of fuel is needed to achieve power in any given set of conditions.  The CPU is programmed to assure that volume of fuel is injected.  
Note: Electronics only peripherally increase combustion efficiency, by coordinating timing and fuel volume based on ambient conditions (measured with sensors).  
Electronics do not directly affect the actual combustion event.

Modern fuel systems with computer controlled air:fuel ratio DO decrease fuel consumption.  BUT…
Oxygen sensor feedback (to optimize air:fuel ratio) is almost a joke in most applications.  Yes it works but it could be MUCH better.  
The systems I personally built (have documented in my HyCO 2A Manual Update and have subsequently improved) in the 1990s save twice as much fuel as the ‘modern’ pablum ‘they’ are giving you…  
AND, ‘they’ are basing ‘their’ programming on liquid fuel characteristics, which are inherently inefficient. 
When you actually increase combustion efficiency, so that the fuel combusts:
1. When it should to most efficiently convert its heat to mechanical energy
2. Completely in the short time that it most effectively converts heat energy to mechanical energy.  It isn’t enough that the fuel completely burned, it has to burn at the right time!
Then the fuel consumption goes down and the power goes up.  

When you increase Thermal Efficiency (getting more power using less fuel) the CPU no longer properly responds to the ‘information’ that it gets from it’s sensors.  
The CPU continues to make (now-erronious) ‘decisions’ based on programming that ‘assumes’ the fuel system is still using the un-enhanced combustion.

The ‘computer’ doesn’t know what to do with the ‘results’ of efficient combustion, which include a higher exhaust oxygen content, so it adds fuel to ‘compensate’.  
We discovered this effect in the 1980s and developed Combustion Enhancement Interface Technology (CEIT) to help the fuel saving technology interface with the vehicle’s fuel systemsynergistically to achieve optimal gains!

Examples of Combustion Enhancement Interface Technology (CEIT)
1. Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer (EFIE),
2. Electronic Diverter (ED),
3. Manifold Air Pressure Enhancer (MAP Enhancer)
4. Intake Air Temperature Enhancer (IAT Enhancer)
5. Fuel Temperature Sensor Enhancer (FTS Enhancer)
+. and many more.  
Here is a website that explains how simple it is to modify sensor signals and some reasons you might want to modify signals (besides combustion enhancement) (click).  
CEIT is designed to ‘correct’ the signals coming from the various sensors so that the CPU will make the correct desisions to optimize the advantages of the combustion enhancement.
CEIT not only allows combustion enhancement technology to ‘merge’ with existing CPUs, but it also allows people to convert the power gain (that normally accompanies combustion enhancement) into further mileage gains; so you have the same power and performance as before but can now go even further of a gallon of fuel.
Modern CEIT technology combines several sensor modifications in one unit, like the Diesel CEIT Module.  Truckers in the USA are reporting as high as 50% increased economy when the Diesel CEIT Module is applied with practical combustion enhancement technologies like the HyCO 2A, HyZor, HyCO 2DT and Water Injection (see a history of water injection here (click)).
My Electronic Diverter circuit allows people to take control of their own fuel injectors.  Allowing TRUE deceleration fuel shutoff and control of the ACTUAL air:fuel mixture.

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