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What are Brown’s Gas Myths?

Even Yull Brown allowed certain ‘myths’ about Brown’s Gas to propagate unaddressed.  I’m now trying to address them.Myth#1BG does NOT sublimate tungsten.  The tungsten liquifies, vaporizes and burns.  It’s SMOKE you are seeing (oxidized tungsten) not sublimated tungsten.  I got really dark lenses so I could observe the actual interaction and I could see the liquid puddle with the vapors coming off and burning.Sublimation is vaporization directly from solid, no liquid… Thus NO sublimation.Myth#2BG does NOT implode.  In it’s ‘pure’ form it will ALWAYS explode first, then (if in an enclosed container that withstood the explosion) a vacuum will form as the gasses combine to form water (and take up 1800 times less room).  Thus a vacuum is formed, but NOT by implosion.When the BG is burned in open air, it has a long ‘laser-like’ flame, due to the ‘net vacuum’ combustion.  The flame is actually making a ’tunnel’ in the air (because of the ’net vacuum’), and the air acts to ‘contain’ the burn, so it’s long and thin. That said, there IS one component of BG that WILL implode.  The Electrically Expanded Water (ExW, a plasma form of water) that is still water but in a gaseous form that is not water vapor or steam (if you cool it, it will not condense).  Since this ExW is water is a gaseous form, it will ‘implode’ when it loses the extra electrons that are causing it to be a plasma.But separating out this single component of BG has been a challenge.The ExW is the component that contains the ‘energy’ that people note ‘electric shock’. Myth#3Brown’s Gas changes temperature depending on which material it’s directed against.Brown’s Gas never changes it’s combustion characteristics when directed against any material.  It’s the MATERIAL that reacts differently.  BG is a ‘cool’ flame in that it radiates very little thermal energy… But it’s a HIGH energy flame.  Most of it’s energy is electrons (electrical in nature) so it directs this ‘electricity’ into the molecular structure of the material, so the material reacts to this electrical energy input and thus shows different results than when presented to a thermal flame.NOTE: BG does not ‘cut cleanly through wood’  It will bore a hole through wood, but the edges are charcoal, not ‘clean’.  It does do better than a thermal flame but I wouldn’t call the result ‘clean’.Here are a few more ‘myths’
BG has some amazing applications that are real and practical.
We do not need to propagate myths to promote BG.Myths ultimately undermine the BG’s credibility.

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