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Q ~ Can I have TOO MUCH BG?

Yes.The problem of too much BG has three parts:1. Your electrolyzer needs to be as efficient as possible, preferably 100% or better (yes, there are electrolyzers that are over 100% efficient).  100 % efficiency means producing BG using less than 2 watthours per STP Liter of BG; or greater than 8 MMW.Efficiency is important because typically every watt, that the vehicle produces to make BG, took 11 watts of fuel.  Your engine power gains, from the BG catalytic effect, must be greater than 11 times or you either get NO gain or you LOSE mileage.If your electrolyzer is less than 100% efficient, (a lot of them are as little as 28% efficient) then you’d need to burn 38 times more fuel (instead of 11) to make each watt of BG.  So the BG catalytic effect power gains from your engine would have to be 38 times more than the power in BG before you would see ANY fuel mileage gains.  So you need a very efficient electrolyzer, the more efficient the better.2. You need to be able to efficiently control the volume of BG coming from your electrolyzer.  
First because, as I explained before, there is an optimum volume of BG to achieve the catalytic effect (this optimum varies with vehicles and driving conditions).  If you generate MORE BG than the optimum needed, then you are LOSING mileage because you are burning 11 times more fuel than the catalytic effect is returning to you.  
Second, there are many ways to control BG production, some more efficient than others.  Again, efficiency counts as per above, you MUST be efficient or you LOSE mileage or don’t maximize your potential.  Amperage makes BG; our HyZor Technology book lists the four most efficient ways to control amperage (and thus BG production).  BTW, restricting the amount of electrolyte, or using a dimmer in series with the electrolyzer, to control amperage are two of the LEAST efficient ways to control amperage and are NOT in our book.3. Once you have an efficient electrolyzer and you can control the amperage efficiently, you finally need to merge the electrolyzer with your fuel system.  
When your combustion efficiency increases, the vehicle’s computer doesn’t know what to do with the changes (like higher percent of oxygen in the exhaust or the faster combustion or the lack of knock).  You need to add a few Combustion Enhancement Interface Technology CEIT devices to ‘correct’ or modify the signals the computer is getting from it’s sensors… so the computer will not over-react (usually by adding fuel).
CEIT ‘relates’ to the issue of too much BG because all the factors involved (electrolyzer efficiency, vehicle characteristics and operating conditions) are dynamic (constantly changing).  For example, as you increase electrolyzer efficiency, you produce the same BG with less fuel, (reducing the parasitic load on the engine).  Thus the BG that is produced will have a greater effect (less efficiency factor for the catalytic effect to overcome). This will usually reduce the need for fuel, which will reduce the need for BG (remember we only need the optimum for the catalytic effect).  By using CEIT, we can ‘tune’ the vehicle so that it gets the optimized gain from the BG.
That is where the EFIE and MAP/MAF Enhancers are applied.  There are some other CEIT too, for fine tuning of temperature sensors, etc. 

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