Eagle-Research is an organization that has been developings and distributing practical energy solutions since 1984. Most income is generated by the sale of our own literature and products world wide. So buy those books folks, you’re financing real answers!
Practical Solutions
We define practical as simple, inexpensive, environmentally-considerate, easy to build, low maintenance and, applicable to small scale energy needs. We find practical solutions for ourselves and then we share those solutions with everyone.
We gather information from diverse sources, perform comprehensive experiments using rigorous standards, then publish how-to books to share the results with other researchers and the general public.
Patent Free
We believe that writing books insures that these energy-saving technologies will be secured public knowledge, and that our patent-free philosophy promotes increasingly better energy solutions.
Eagle-Research does not accept government grants. (However, we do accept donations toward research.) The money acquired from the sale of our books and devices is used to finance our on-going research.