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Is a HyCO 2A kit available?

A. We do not sell HyCO 2A components at this time or for the forseeable future.  We used to but we just don’t have enough people to support (purchase, manufacture, inventory, etc) the whole range of products that ER has developed, so lots of billion dollar ideas are just sitting on the shelf.
To solve this problem we are developing manufacturing courses to train people how to make, install and sell these products.
In the meantime, you can build-your-own HyCO system from the instructions in the HyCO 2A Manual.
We recommend you to subscribe to our eNewsletter (using your eStore account) to be informed when we make special short production runs of HyCO 2A kits and when the manufacturing courses will be available.
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    b.  Check the ‘subscribe to Free eNewsletter’ button on the bottom of your account profile information.
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