Brown’s Gas is a mixture of mon-atomic and di-atomic hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 hydrogen to oxygen ratio. So there are four molecules which are mixed in varying ratios; H hydrogen, O oxygen, H2 di-hydrogen and O2 di-oxygen. But all in all, in the mixture there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom. When the mixture has very little mon-atomic hydrogen and oxygen there is the typical violent di-atomic hydrogen explosion. This is because the breaking of the bonds in the di-atomic gasses requires energy and the energy comes from the atomic energy of the reaction itself. There is so much heat, so fast, that there is a violent expansion, or explosion. Once the explosion has happened, it is followed immediately by an implosion; because the split atoms are mon-atomic and can now combine to form water. When the Brown’s Gas mixture is mostly mon-atomic, then the atoms simply implode to form water. No atomic bonds need to be broken so no self-propigation energy is needed. The potential atomic energy is released in a random fashon if not directed (as in a flame). Experimenters have noticed sharp static discharges.
Typically people demonstrate the implosion characteristic of Brown’s Gas in a sealed steel container. But they have not properly measured the implosion. As I said, even a di-atomic gas makes a vacuum, after an explosion.
Watching video’s of so-called implosions I have discovered not one,yet, that actually was a pure implosion. If you watch the hoses that are bent to the water chamber you will see them flex if you view the tape in slow motion. A hose under pressure (explosion) will tend to straighten and a hose under a vacuum (implosion) will tend to kink.
All Brown’s Gas machines that I’ve tested, my own included, produce an EXPLOSIVE mixture. Now the mixtures can be ‘relatively’ explosive. In other words, the higher quality gas, more mon-atomic, will explode less violently. So far, of all the machines I have tested, my machines produce the highest quality of Brown’s Gas.