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Q ~ What is your cookie used for?

A cookie is a piece of information from our website that is stored in your web browser’s ‘cookie’ settings.
This information allows the site to retain your choices (like shopping cart and user options) as you browse between site pages in a ‘logged in’ state.  
When you log in, a unique, random code is generated by our website and sent to your web browser to be stored as a cookie.  Whenever you go to a new page on our site the web browser sends that code back to our server so we know it is still your browser that is accessing the page.  If no cookie is sent to us with the page request, the server has to assume it is a non-logged-in user trying to access the page, and will say ‘Access Denied’ (unless the page is available to everyone).
This security is obviously important when visiting a page such as your order history or user account settings.
Still have questions?  Concerns?  Contact Us.

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