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CAD Programs

I (George Wiseman) hereby state that I’ll be using TurboCad 7 for my CAD drawings and for making collaboration .DWG files.

TurboCAD for MAC and Windows:

FYI, here’s a playlist of a 14 part video of turbocad on youtube from the manufacturer.  Thought I’d pass it along.  It starts starts with a windows install, but then proceeds to actual usage instructions.  I would presume these latter parts would be similar on the Mac.  There are many more videos on youtube of turbocad.  Just type turbocad into the search box.  Some are by the manufacturer, others are not.

More TurboCad training 

All the TurboCAD products:

Windows TurboCAD Deluxe specifically (which is a good compromise between price and features):

If you are saving cad files that you wish to share publicly you should save in AutoCAD 2007 DWG format, for example, for maximum interoperability.  More recent versions support more features but don’t support older CAD software.

This CAD system, also an Autodesk project, runs in a web browser.  😎

I’ve also looked into this before, and have a VERY old copy.  But, it’s windows only.

That same company makes many products:

3D Printing:

…geekspace meeting recently related to 3d printing, which is something I want to get into.  It’s not cheap though.

They put me onto this cool free 3d design software from Autodesk.  It being Autodesk, I’m sure there are limits to what is free.  But, it looks pretty cool.  I haven’t had a chance to try it yet.  Be sure to check out the videos.

They have a whole suite of apps for different purposes.

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