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What Water Distiller Do You Recommend?

All Eagle-Research designed electrolyzers (WaterTorches, ER50 and AquaCure machines) require distilled water to operate efficiently and for extended times.  In fact, NOT using distilled water is cause for invalid Warranty.

Impure water, depending on the impurities, cause poisonous gas formation, sludge formation, foaming, electrode corrosion / disintegration and electrode masking (impurities sticking to the plate).

RO water, De-ionized water, Spring water, ‘Filtered’ water, Good well water, etc. are all NOT PURE ENOUGH!  After decades of experience, the ONLY safe choice is DISTILLED WATER.

Many of people have had issues finding reasonably priced distilled water, or in some cases, any distilled water at all… Or the distilled water is purchased in plastic that isn’t as good as it should be.

And I’ve told them a simple solution is to buy a home water distiller.
They’d then reasonably ask… What water distiller would YOU recommend?  To which, until now, I didn’t have a good answer because I mostly just built my own distiller whenever I needed one.

So I set out on an exploration of the internet, to find out what was out there and found there is now a wide variety, from home build plans to distillers costing over $5000.  I narrowed my search to qualities that would be reasonable in a home of anyone using an ER50 or AquaCure.

There are lots of good options… Frankly you can go in the $150 range and find quite a few that will be adequate… All you need is 50,000 ohm pure water.

But (as an expert in water and distillers) what would I recommend?
After buying a few that I thought would be acceptable,  I found ONE that stood out. WAY OUT!  It’s now the ONLY one I use (and I have one that cost over $2500).  In fact I now use 3 of them in my home.

The quality of this distiller should put it in the $1500 range. It has features (like the pre-heat for light-end gas removal) that my $2500 distiller (and most distillers) don’t have.  I can find NO FAULT anywhere on the engineering of this machine, it’s like they designed my dream water distiller.

I find the pricing of about $400 to be astonishingly LOW for it’s professional, heavy duty quality, that has features NOT included in much more expensive machines AND it’s fully certified practically every way that can be.  It’s presentation is also world-class.  These people did a fantastic job.

Update: Unfortunately… The distributor selling them in North America was ‘shady’ as he was actually just selling off his inventory.
1. He did not honor his marketing agreement with me.
2. He did not service machines that ‘broke down’. (it was an easy $5 fix)
3. He took money from customers, then didn’t send product and did not refund the money.

I have subsequently fixed the machines that my customers bought on my recommendation and am negotiating with the original manufacturer to be the North American distributor.  These are amazing distillers.  It looks like I’ll have inventory to sell you in about 2 months (today in May 6th, 2020)

But in the meantime, virtually ANY distiller will work and you can find plenty of options on Amazon or eBay (Do check out the reviews).
Recent study shows the WaterWise 9000 to be a good one (I haven’t tried it yet).  I have tried the WaterWise 4000 and found it acceptable.

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Reliably Stopping a BG Backfire

Fire (combustion) requires three things to ‘burn’.
1. a fuel source (in this case, hydrogen)
2. oxygen
3. heat (including ignition energy)
In this case we are dealing with a gas (Brown’s Gas, HHO, BG, HydrOxy, etc.) that IS a perfect (stoichiometric) combustible fuel mixture (of hydrogen and oxygen) so fuel is no problem.
The BG can be ignited with static electrical spark or by compressing or by raising it’s temperature or with a shock wave or with something as simple as inserting a sharp point into the gas (or a combination of the above).  
Once ignited, the combustion provides it’s own heat to self propagate.
Note: When igniting a torch that is using BG as a fuel, the gas coming out of the torch orifice MUST exceed the open air burning velocity of the BG flame (about 22 fps) or the flame will burn back into the torch itself.  As long as the gas velocity is coming out of the torch faster than the BG can burn back, you are fine.
Once a BG flame is burning in an enclosed area it accelerates to detonation velocities (> 5000 fps) and the resulting ‘bang’ sounds like a rife shot.
NOTE: The BG really isn’t a ‘thermal’ flame as much as an ‘electrical’ flame.  Releasing it’s electrons into whatever it contacts… Which is why a tiny flame that measures less than 300°F with an infrared thermometer can melt tungsten at > 5000°F.  
The point is, if you have inadvertently allowed your torch flame to enter your torch, you are now trying stop the combustion of a high velocity (shock wave) high energy (electrons) gas.  
To stop the combustion of any flame you must remove one (or more) of it’s ignition requirements.
In our case, removing the fuel or oxygen is out of the question, because both are inextricably mixed together.
So our only option is to remove the heat and shockwave.
I’ve experimented (since 1986) on various ways to reliably stop this combustion.  
The traditional torch check valves are useless.  They are meant to stop combustible gasses from mixing.  BG is already mixed… And the BG is burning far too fast for a mechanical device to respond before the combustion is already past.
The traditional torch ‘backfire’ screen (designed to suck the ‘heat from the flame and thus ‘quench it’ is useless because the high energy combustion simply vaporizes the fine screen and the shock wave goes right through it in any case.
Even a tightly closed solenoid valve will not stop a BG backfire once the detonation reaches it’s full velocity (in about 2 feet of hose) because the shockwave goes right through the solid metal and ‘ignites’ the BG on the other side.  
Imagine my surprise when I learned that fact as I was designing systems for automatic shutoff of shapers (CNC controlled torch tables).  I did solve that issue BTW, using an ‘air purge’ apparatus.
Metal wool is a common solution to stopping BG backfires because it does absorb both heat and shockwave… But it is NOT reliable and is inconvenient.  You can increase reliability by making sure the wool is wet, so it absorbs more heat and shockwave.  But for it to work, it needs to be compressed tightly and very wet, so often restricts the flow of the BG.  Also, fine metal wool is FULL of sharp points and edges which can ignite the BG and finally, BG often has some electrolyte come out with it, which eventually plugs up metal wool filled backfire arresters.
And FYI, while the BG flame is MADE from water, it does not ‘burn under water’ any better than any other torch fuel gas… In fact, if you try it you will almost certainly cause your torch to backfire because the water mass and pressure will slow the gas velocity coming out of the torch orifice enough that the flame will ‘burn back’ into the torch.
So… The ONLY reliable and easily maintained backfire arrestor I’ve discovered (some of which are still operational since 1986) are liquid bath (usually water) bubblers that separate the gas into fine bubbles and bubble up through at least 4 inches of water.  Such bubblers reliably absorb both the heat and shockwave of the backfire.
NOTE: even a poorly designed bubbler will not work because the BG shockwave can ‘jump’ from bubble to bubble, thus traveling down through the liquid and past the bubbler.  This is why you must have fine bubbles, and enough water depth so that both the heat and shockwave are reliably dissipated.

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How much water should I drink?

That question is answered in many places on the internetMayo Clinic advise.
HOWEVER, lots of people don’t realize the true importance (to their health) of drinking
A. enough water everyday,
B. what kind of water to drink and
C. when to drink it.

A. How much water is ENOUGH?

Your weight: The first step to knowing the minimum water to drink everyday is to know your weight. A 200 pound man and 100 pound woman require different amounts of water every day.
Multiply by 2/3: Next you want to multiple your weight by 2/3 (or 67%) to determine the minimum of water to drink daily. For example, if you weighed 175 pounds you would multiple that by 2/3 and learn you should be drinking about 117 ounces of water every day. There are 32 ounces in a quart, so drink about 3.6 quarts a day… Betcha aren’t 🙂
Activity Level: Finally you will want to adjust that number based on how often you work out, since you are expelling water when you sweat and breathe. Your body also needs more water to expel the metabolic toxins.  You should add 12 ounces of water to your daily total for every 30 minutes that you work out. So if you work out for 45 minutes daily, you would add 18 ounces of water to your daily intake.

B. What KIND of water should you drink?
What most water ‘experts’ don’t tell you is that MOST of the water people actually drink is DEHYDRATING!  I’m not even talking about the pseudo-hydration people drink (coffee, soft-drinks, sports drinks, etc.) I’m talking about straight water.
Please watch this 1.5 hour video “Your Brain on Water” to see Dr. Corinne Allen speak on hydration.  Note that she is convinced that Kangen water is the best, because she doesn’t yet know about HydrOxy water.  But she is CORRECT on all her other facts.
You want your water to be CLEAN.  MOST impurities in water cause problems in the body. Most minerals in water are NOT bio-available (you get bio-available minerals from plants)! Tap water also contains hormones, toxins, pharmaceuticals, etc.  Read more here.
You want your water to be high pH (potential of hydrogen), but ONLY because it is PURE water that contains extra HYDROGEN.  It’s the HYDROGEN that makes the water to be a superior anti-oxidant (better than vitamin C).  Many technologies CHEAT by adding minerals to increase pH and fraudulently advertise this as ‘healthy’ alkaline.  Kangan machines (and many other technologies) can add hydrogen to water; but which is the healthiest?
You want your water to be LOW oxygen reduction potential (ORP).This is VITAL… This is what actually causes water to be HYDRATING!
It’s pretty simple, yet medical science has MISSED IT for hundreds of years.
ORP is measured with a milliamp meter.  For amps to ‘flow’ you need a difference in electrical potential; which literally means one area has more ELECTRONS than another area.  Electrons have a NEGATIVE charge.
If the water is electron deficient, it will TAKE electrons from your body (dehydrating).  If the water is electron rich, it will GIVE electrons to your body (hydrating).
The ORP meter is ‘neutral’ so if there is a deficiency of electrons, the reading will be positive (most tap water will be positive >400 mA).  If there is an EXCESS of electrons, the reading will be negative (BG or HydrOxy bubbled water will read – 250 mA or less).
Bubbling BG through water makes water electron rich because of the Electrically Expanded Water (ExW) component of BG.  ExW is water that has ‘soaked up’ electricity like a sponge soaks up water, turning into a gaseous form of water that is not water vapor or steam.  ExW will not condense if cooled like water vapor will.  ExW is water’s fourth state of matter, a plasma (ionized gas).
ExW contains bio-available ENERGY that the body can directly use to heal itself, activate stem cells, kill pathogens, etc.  Which is why breathing the BG (in addition to drinking BG bubbled water) is so effective.
C. WHEN you drink your water is important to optimal health.   Every-body is different so you’ll need to modify these suggestions to fit what works for you.
1. Drink at least a quart (liter) of BG bubbled water immediately upon waking up in the morning.
2. Set up bottles and routine to drink your daily water throughout the day.
3. If you feel hungry, DRINK BG bubbled water first; as much as a quart.  If the hunger persists, THEN have a light meal or snack.  MOST people confuse thirst for hunger.
Your body is composed of 62% hydrogen.  It needs hydrogen for EVERYTHING. Hydrogen is your most important nutrient.  Water is the low calorie, low carbohydrate way the body can get hydrogen.  When you eat ‘food’ you also get hydrogen as the bacteria in your colin break the ‘hydrocarbon’ food apart into hydrogen and carbon; but food also adds calories and carbs.
4. DO drink a quart (liter) of BG bubbled water before a meal, then wait 20 to 30 minutes before eating.  This lowers the NEED for excess food to get your hydrogen, helps the body increase it’s metabolic rate, provides water for acid formation to help digest food, increases the density of the blood to help nutrition reach the cells, etc.
5. Sip BG bubbled water constantly during exercise.  You would be amazed at how much water the body needs to work efficiently.

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Can the AquaCure make a room explode?

Hydrogen gas (the part of BG that is combustible) needs to be at least 4% in air by volume before it is combustible.  
Hydrogen rises VERY fast and diffuses in air VERY fast, so even a minimal ventilation would prevent a combustible mixture from forming in the room.  
Let’s do some math.  A 3 meter cube (a small room) contains 27,000 liters of space.  4% of 27,000 is 1,080 liters.
Assuming your electrolyzer makes 50 liters of hydrogen per hour, there would be (at least) 20 hours of continous use before a combustible mixture could form.
BUT: Hydrogen is a very tiny molecule and can fit through the smallest of cracks (it even travels through metals).  So it is almost impossible to contain in a room that has ANY ventilation.  Just opening a door once in awhile will ventilate a room enough to prevent a combustible mixture.
And this doesn’t take into account if a person is breathing the BG, so some of the hydrogen is being ‘consumed’ by the breather(s); just like oxygen is a room is consumed by breather(s).  
So, for practicality, just assume that if the room is ventilated well enough so that the breather(s) have enough fresh oxygen to breathe, that there can NEVER be a combustible mixture in the room (from an electrolyzer producing such small quantities of hydrogen). 

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Is my water pure enough? & How do I test it?

Q&D way to test for water purity:
Get your ohm meter and get a container of distilled water.Set up two (or more) glass or plastic (glass preferred) trays for your testing waters.
At room temperature and right away (to prevent carbon dioxide, from the air, contaminating the water) pour your distilled water into one of the trays. 
Find the distance you need to hold your probes apart to get a reading of 500,000 ohms.  Do the same test in whatever water you choose, to see if the water is (or even close) to 500,000 ohms (or better is preferred).Some helpful links:

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If Hydrogenated Foods are bad, Why is Hydrogen Good?

There has been much talk about hydrogen being healthy but also about hydrogenated foods (particularly oil) being unhealthy due to the thickening of fluids.Will you please as briefly as possible explain where my thinking is errant.

That is actually a really good question, that I’d forgotten to address.
Many people would wonder the same thing.

There is a HUGE difference between pure hydrogen gas and ‘hydrogenated’ products.  It’s like comparing water and lard.
Both are mostly made of hydrogen but the way the hydrogen atoms are attached to other atoms that make up the molecules makes a HUGE difference to health.

It’s like Chlorine is a harmful gas (it’d kill you if you breathed it) and Sodium is a caustic metal (it’d instantly burn you in it’s pure form), but put them together correctly and you have Sodium Chloride which is table salt and NEEDED by the body.  So it’s important to not ASSUME that because something SOUNDS similar, that it is similar.

Normal fat and oils are relatively healthy, a great source of concentrated energy (much more nutritious than sugar).  But about the mid 1900’s some chemist discovered that if you bubble pure hydrogen through oil or fat then you get a ‘product’ that has a MUCH longer shelf life… Mostly because it’s a poison and won’t support life of bacteria that would make ordinary fats ‘go bad’.

So they fed us this ‘frankin-food’ (so called trans-fats) in replacement of (then vilified) normal butter and cooking oils.  It was all about the marketing and profits, having nothing to do with health…

Unfortunately, these trans-fats also poison the bacteria in our guts that create our NORMAL hydrogen from our food, so trans-fats are another reason that people are now hydrogen deficient.

See these links to understand how much we NEED hydrogen (the pure gas).

Why does hydrogen help health?

Where do we normally get our hydrogen?

What’s the best way to get supplemental hydrogen?