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1. What is Brown’s Gas?

A. Eagle-Research defines Brown’s Gas (aka BG, HHO or HydrOxy) as:
“A mixture of combustible gasses coming out of an electrolyzer that is specifically designed to electrolyze (split) water and to NOT separate the resulting gasses from each other.”
Brown’s Gas is a ratio of 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen and usually contains a significant water vapor component.
Brown’s Gas is made using water and electricity in specially designed electrolyzers, like our ER50.
Research indicates that Brown’s Gas has characteristics that cannot be achieved by simply mixing bottled hydrogen and oxygen in a stoichiometric ratio.
BG contains H, H2, O, O2, H2O (as water vapor) and a special 6th ‘structured’ gas that shows up in ‘dried gas’ as water vapor; George Wiseman calls 6th form of water ‘Electrically Expanded Water’ (ExW) and Chris Eckman calls it “linear water isomer with extra electrons, stable in a Rydberg Cluster”.  
The 6th form of water (ExW) then acts like a ‘glue’ that holds ‘structures’ of water together, which is why atomic oxygen and hydrogen can exist in a stable form.  These structures of water can be large enough to be heavier than air.  
Yull Brown called these structures ‘Fluid Crystal’, professor Ruggero Santilli calls them ‘Magnecules’.
Here are George Wiseman’s theories of what Brown’s Gas may be… (click) 
BG is also known under brand names like: Common-Ducted Gas, Rhode’s Gas, Spirig Gas, Hydroxy, Brown Gas, Green Gas, Klein Gas, Aquygen, HHO, SG Gas, Ohmasa Gas, Knallgas, HNG and (erroneously by WikiPedia) OxyHydrogen.
Brown’s Gas was originally patented in the early 1960’s by the late William Rhodes of Pheonix Arizona and he called it ‘single-ducted gas’.  
Not much happened with the gas until the late Yull Brown (then in Australia) in the 1970’s patented a better machine for making it and started to commercialize the gas for various applications (mostly to replace torch fuel gasses like acetylene).  He spent the next 30 years of his life traveling the world, selling his technology and developing variations of his machines.  He was particularly effective in the Orient, where China (in particular) was undergoing a MASSIVE buildup and they adopted the Brown’s Gas as a standard instead of developing an acetylene infrastructure.
During all that time it was known as ‘Brown’s Gas’.
After that, several people started making variations of Brown’s Gas machines and  many of them ‘brand-named’ the gas (it’s all the same gas) to try to get more market share.  This is about when the name HydrOxy popped into existence, from Alvin Crosby of New Zealand.
I’ve been working with this gas since 1986 and I’ve honored the name ‘Brown’s Gas’ to honor the inventor that commercialized it.  The world would NOT know of this gas if it wasn’t for Yull Brown.  
The name HHO popped into existence via the late Denny Klein just before the huge raise in oil prices in 2007-2008.  Denny had a very good video circulating through news media at the time, so the gas got a lot of good publicity with the trade name HHO.  
One of the excellent applications of BG is for combustion enhancement (typical 25% reduction in fuel consumption) so when Ozzie Freeman put out an eBook on how to DIY apply HHO to your vehicle and sold over a million copies, the name HHO was then ‘cemented’ in the public consciousness.
There’s lots more to the history, but that’s the Gist.
All the ‘trade names’ are for the same gas, though it can vary in QUALITY depending on the quantity (percentage) of Electrically Expanded Water (ExW).

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